Namita is the Founder and Director of Whole-istic Healing Co.
She is a registered Pharmacist, PMC (paediatric massage consultant), CIMI (certified infant massage instructor), an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, an Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher…AND most importantly, a Mother to 2 beautiful boys, a fur-baby and a wife to one x
Welcome beautiful Mama’s,
I am so happy that you are here!
I started Whole-istic Healing Co. after I suffered terribly with Postnatal Depression after having both of my boys. I tried so hard to prevent getting it the second time by controlling ALL that I could…but exactly on day 5 post-birth both times…I fell into the darkest…hardest…and deepest Postnatal Depression.
It brought me to my knees.
It ripped through my body…my home…my life…like a vortex, leaving so much pain and carnage.
I had been knocked down to the ground ferociously hard…
I had disappeared in a blink of an eye. Overnight.
Yet, I spoke up and sought the support, treatment, and help that I needed to recover (so proud of all of us!) and at week 11 post-birth for both boys, I had sparked back to life with my biochemistry restoring to all of its glory!
My life feels SO sacred now…I savour every moment of every day…because it was taken from me overnight, twice…that upon my recovery I VOWED that I would embrace all of life and live it to the fullest…with transparency…being of service…and SHINING THE LIGHT on a condition that is filled with so much darkness…and so Whole-istic Healing Co. was birthed.
I vowed that upon my recovery, I would do EVERYTHING within my power to help other women and their families FEEL supported in their arduous journey…I vowed to be SO transparent about my experience so that the other 1 in 7 women know that they are NOT alone in what it looks and feels like day after day.
I vowed that I would smash through the taboo, stigma, dispel misconceptions surrounding the condition, as well as treatments…and to completely SHINE THE LIGHT in a way that ONLY ALLOWS our women to have the courage and ability to speak up that they are not feeling their best self.
I am here to be your support and to help you along your journey…no longer do I want other mothers and their partners to feel or say ‘I have Postnatal Depression…now what?’
I am a HUGE advocate for Western treatment and it saved my life TWICE…
My first advice is to ALWAYS speak up to your GP or Obstetrician about how you are feeling…
As a Pharmacist, I appreciate the pharmacological relationship within the body and the ‘science’ behind health and wellness. I am forever amazed at the delicate intricacies between hormones, neurotransmitters, biochemical markers and gut microbiome that exist within our bodies (just to name a few!)
Yet, whilst waiting for Western treatment to take hold…I felt SO unbelievably isolated…trapped with fear…guilt…shame…and would hide in my room alone. I did not do anything to help myself…my home…my children and my husband that were also being engulfed by this condition.
So after I recovered from having Kaiyaan I went on to further my studies in Paediatric Massage and Ayurveda to bring the Eastern and Western modalities of healthcare together to support women through this chapter.
Through our suffering, I am creating tools that I wish I had access to, so that YOU beautiful woman, do not have to venture through this alone as I did.
As an Ayurvedic yoga teacher and studying to become an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, I can appreciate the balance between the body, mind and spirit within us to encourage nourishment, rejuvenation, health and well-being.
The lifestyle practices, viewing nutrition as nourishment within the Eastern philosophy… assists in restoring balance within our complex, yet amazing matrix.
Infant massage is such a beautiful tool to help with the bonding, attachment and connection that gets so deeply affected with PND…
Learning this modality, made me wish that I had known this with my boys, as the power of touch in our healing here…is so profoundly powerful!
I decided that I survived twice for a reason…to help other women and their families GET THROUGH this time one day at a time, with hopefully more ease and grace with practical tools.
This is my new purpose…my dharma…to support any woman and family that need help through their Postnatal and Perinatal mental health journey…the silver lining to my suffering x
What I am...
Pumpkin Soup
Content and Optimistic
Snatam Kaur (LOVE her!)
I believe in...
+ The power of authenticity
+ Having the strength to set the mask aside and to speak/live your truth…whatever that may be
+ Unconditional love
+ Living my BEST life…right now, because tomorrow is not promised
You can find me...
+ People watching with a coffee or wine
+ Sitting and watching the ocean or harbour
+ Driving my boys around Sydney, from one place to the next!
Favourite self-care...
+ Going for a walk alone along the beach
+ Long baths
+ Journaling in a freshly made bed with a beautiful tea or wine
+ Sitting in silence…or with gentle, soft music and just ‘be-ing’ x