THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co.
This week’s episode is stripping GRATITUDE inside out;
-What exactly is it?
-What are the benefits of practicing it?
-What are strategies to be able to APPLY it into your life and DAILY practice?
I write about living in this state of ‘attitude of gratitude’ in my book Shining The Light on PND and how it is SUCH an important healing tool for us to utilise.
This episode was inspired from wanting to live in this state…and how I have really tried to make SHIFTS especially in the morning to incorporate GRATITUDE as my first point of call and how great it is!
I hope you enjoy the episode!!
(1.55) I start with explaining how this principle of GRATITUDE was self-care strategy 18 of 19 in my book for mothers to utilise and how important it is
(2.21) I am candid about how difficult I found practicing gratitude in the thick of my illness…so I recognise and ACKNOWLEDGE this reality and potentiality for others going through the same thing…but to HOLD onto this tool to keep it in your tool belt to utilise when you can and are ABLE to
(6.58) I go through in retrospect what I could have still been thankful for at the time of my illness; had my mind and thoughts ALLOWED me to partake in such a practice…as the reality was, I did still have so many things to be thankful for
(8.45) I run through the benefits of the NEUROTRANSMITTERS as a result of practicing gratitude and the positive impact it has on our body
(11.50) I chat about my husband Chandi and his positive morning spirit and his practice of gratitude!
(14.48) Define GRATITUDE with the Oxford Dictionary and Harvard Medical School definitions…and then run through MY own interpretation of it
(17.22) I speak of the DUALITY in life…and how often we only appreciate things by experiencing its polarity
(20.07) I launch into the many benefits that gratitude has that I found on the Positive Psychology website and how I enjoyed their articles; linked below;
(22.59) I speak about the work of Bruce Lipton and Jay Shetty as thought leaders in GRATITUDE; and recommend that you look into their articles and content about this subject matter.
(24.13) I discuss gratitude from an Ayurvedic perspective (Indian Medicine)
(27.46) I lean into common barriers or RESISTANCE questions that may arise; and launch into possible strategies to overcome them
(30.00) I then run through ACTUAL strategies that you can try to incorporate into your life as DAILY practices. I recommend trying for at least 21 days and possibly 30 days, to encourage them to be part of your daily habits
(44.51) The PEARL to PRACTICE this week, is to try my playable Gratitude meditation track in the link below…if you resonate with this, to try it daily. Also to practice gratitude daily in a way that you resonate with!
I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s episode…and have taken away some INSPIRATION and things to try in your week!