Infant Massage

What IS infant massage and why is it important for all mothers but ESPECIALLY for those with POST-NATAL DEPRESSION?

I came across the modality of infant massage after beginning my studies in Ayurveda (ancient practice of healthcare, typically referred to as ‘Indian medicine’ but upon translation from Sanskrit means ‘the science of life’). In Ayurveda, the practice of self-massage called Abhyanga, forms an important treatment for balancing the body; but especially important for a

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What DOES being a PMC and CIMI mean in infant massage?

After having my two beautiful boys and embarking upon my studies in Ayurveda and Ayurvedic yoga teaching; I stumbled across the modality of infant or baby massage…and I loved it! The whole concept and idea surrounding utilising…touch…inspired me so deeply. With post-natal depression being filled with so much disconnection between mother and child; the most

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