The ARMER Technique
The ARMER technique for postnatal depression & PNDA I write in my book ‘Shining The Light on PND – The Journey From Darkness To Healing

THE POWER OF ‘FAITH’ to get you through DARKNESS
I am never one to discuss controversial things, bring up religion or politics! I generally am known to be an impartial and very polite person

From the 6th to the 12th November 2022, 47 partners or organisations are collaborating on AWARENESS on ALL things Perinatal Mental Health and the united

POSTPARTUM RAGE…WHAT is it, WHY does it happen…and WHAT can I do?
I feel like it is an area of parenthood that isn’t spoken about a lot, similar to postnatal depression. I feel like we carry a

To live with an ‘ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE’
Gratitude is one of the strategies or tools that I write about in my book Shining The Light on PND and it is because of

What are the CAUSES of post-natal depression and why me?
If someone would have told my younger self…or myself whilst going through post-natal depression at the time, that I would one day be able to

What is the BEST advice for a woman and her family going through post-natal depression?
If someone would have told my younger self…or myself whilst going through post-natal depression at the time, that I would one day be able to

Why am I SO passionate about speaking up and raising awareness on POST-NATAL DEPRESSION?
Upon embarking on this journey of speaking up and raising awareness about my post-natal depression, I have completely let it ALL hang out. I have

Generally speaking, the time frame that certain symptoms last is what enables your healthcare team to diagnose whether you (or your partner) has post-natal depression.

What were my biggest FEARS when I had PND?
Fear was the greatest factor that held me back from speaking up for so long. Fear is what held me back from my recovery. Fear

What are the BIGGEST misconceptions to de-mystify about POST NATAL DEPRESSION?
There are SO many myths and misconceptions that I want to de-mystify…or ‘debunk’ from the inside out. It is why I chose to embark upon

When I was in the depths of my illness and could not think clearly, my head was in a thick dark fog…I felt so utterly

Will I EVER feel connection (to my baby, myself, partner…life) EVER again?
I remember feeling so disconnected. Disconnected from myself; my emotions and my body. Almost like someone had switched off my heart and brain-centre overnight. Disconnected

Synergy and bringing TOGETHER of Eastern and Western paradigms for women
Upon my journey of reflection whilst writing my book, I was able to dissect so many learnings and insights from my experience. Some for my

What is POST-NATAL DEPRESSION (PND)…and WHAT the HECK is going on with me?
I had NO idea what on earth I had been struck with after I had my first baby…absolutely no clue. Even though I am a